The dream started with a feeling of awe – as if I were a bodiless being in cosmic existence being pulled at the soul into a physical body.

As I manifested onto the pinnacle of a platform extending from the middle of a mountain I felt pain.

Two devils were standing either side of me and grabbed my arms to hoist me over the ledge.

I looked back as I saw the next soul being manifested in a portal of white light. The devil to the left of me said: “don’t look back” then the right side one screamed: “Soon you’ll be there too!”

And so they threw me against my will into a molten lake that was coming down the mountainside.

I was experiencing all my misdeeds and ill fortunes being burned into me by the lava as my soul must have looked like a phantasmal being turning inside out again and again. Going from skinned into nervous system, into bone and everything in between and beyond from an outside perspective an angel might have as the red molten rock carried me along its path.

I felt guilt and sadness, powerlessness and hatred as all my sin was washed over me and I was tearing myself apart while mending.

An inexplicably torturing experience that had angle song singing: “soon you’ll be there too” and devils laughter in the background.

I slowly gained balance it felt like, and the pain was becoming less unbearable.

I noticed other souls slowly awakening beside me as we somehow awakened from slumber.

Before we could become properly aware of one another a giant geist came into vision along with the ocean behind it. It was an angelic manifestation and announced: “soon you’ll be there too”

This time without the demonic laughter.

I heard a hissing sound and joyously let go as we all flowed into the sea from atop a cliff.

My hatred for my past now burned into me I fell into sanctity knowing that now: “I am there too”