Warping Dreams

The usurper that was my last dream got the best of me. In a good way it was the feeling of using the utmost of my imagination, contorted into those engulfing feelings of reality which circumvent notions of fakeness and holistically pole-vault into an experience that is redefining. Your dreams leave you sometimes with such … Read more

The Spiritual Donkey

Once upon a time a baby donkey was born to a butcher and his wife. Their household was in dire need of an animal that could carry their meat to the reaches of their empire. It was merely yet another one in the ranks, yet this one was destined for great things of ephemeral nature. … Read more

Perplexing Self

Not far from ironically a realization brings me to another centre in my mind. A place that feels balanced and safe to hold on to: it was yielded through analysis of attitudes I had about myself. I noticed that I had gotten irritated with the same narrative and sought to critique it – this schism … Read more

Chapter 472: Turning Tides

Laying on my couch I feel overwhelmed yet again, this nuisance of a typical feeling I get when I cannot control a scenario. Nuances of being in a flat spin, getting out of the position of being between a rock and a hard place leave me flustered. Liza is not in a headspace that I … Read more

Heart Crush

It seems that I will be blabbering on in my infatuated way again, yet be aware that what I wish to do is mock the hyped up thoughts we have gotten far too used to: Recently I have expressed my gratitude and adoration in my typical way and instead of being shunned I got PRCISELY … Read more

Chapter 696: Organization

I must have fallen asleep on my couch after having gone through a one evening binge with one of the “friends” I had left from my outings. I needed food and someone to talk real with, and to no surprise he listened and fed me. We had a ball, but he couldn’t deliver any advice … Read more

Wilful Entrapment

To describe what I mean by the title, lets start by saying that there is a certain point that clicks in the mind when achieving something, like a completion realization. And because of this we seem to seek out to succeed in the endeavour of finding love (or any other form of success) and be … Read more

A Glimpse at Butterflies

Regardless of small or big in size, the butterfly is to me the most majestic of creatures. Seemingly effortlessly and with gusto, enthusiasm and endless energy they flurry in many different ways – be it a beautiful spectacle of fast movement or a tranquil grazing motion that is gorgeous to watch and an experience to … Read more

Chapter 5345!@#: Loathing

Far from the divine experience I had envisioned and hoped for, my death merely had me dismayed in red light for a bit and reappear at the bottom of the staircase. Dismayed and doubtful I felt lost in a carnal sense – as though my inner bad was overflowing and getting the better of me … Read more