
The art of spending time, ferverently, intently, principally and with focus on seemingly minute details that blossom into large pictures of imagination, which unfold into dreamy realities that shape ones life.   I find the act of obsession to be one of the most yielding adventures that can provide an eminence of yearning, romance and … Read more

Warping Dreams

The usurper that was my last dream got the best of me. In a good way it was the feeling of using the utmost of my imagination, contorted into those engulfing feelings of reality which circumvent notions of fakeness and holistically pole-vault into an experience that is redefining. Your dreams leave you sometimes with such … Read more

Heart Crush

It seems that I will be blabbering on in my infatuated way again, yet be aware that what I wish to do is mock the hyped up thoughts we have gotten far too used to: Recently I have expressed my gratitude and adoration in my typical way and instead of being shunned I got PRCISELY … Read more

Wilful Entrapment

To describe what I mean by the title, lets start by saying that there is a certain point that clicks in the mind when achieving something, like a completion realization. And because of this we seem to seek out to succeed in the endeavour of finding love (or any other form of success) and be … Read more


This mostly deep, yet complementary and content colour is daunting to me at times. To me it has the knack for overcoming negativity with pure love. So full and proud, nothing can stop it. Boldly going its way it is knowledgeable of its stance and sure of itself. It knows what part to play when … Read more

NEON pink!

As apparent as spray paint on lockers and power boxes, neon hearts are the symbol worn by this hue – unapologetic and unhumble this force is meant to be known of and undeniable. This colour adhering stickily to black and white checkerboards reminds of plastic and neo-comics read by teenage girls that wear pony tails … Read more

A Call for True Love

I can feel you there going through everything with me – our spirits balancing each other out. Somehow, we accept one another in these horrid states and still attempt to love one another and ourselves, but the thought is too much to bear. I cannot look in the mirror without being appalled at what I … Read more

Always Whispering

My heart can’t take any more, the constant knowledge of not being good enough yet is driving me nuts. “you can’t take care of me,” is all my heart feels. It’s hanging on, pounding hard in my chest and my throat is tight – tight from nervousness. No matter how much I attempt to calm … Read more

Being Ready

In my hearts uncertain times I look for new relationships and I’m trying to be ready for what the world has to offer. I don’t know whether we’re a perfect match but it feels very close to it – we might be a short distance apart but that can be worked with. The real thing … Read more

Continual Renewal

Subtly I admit to myself that I want a relationship that flows like water, ever taking the form of balancing the hinderances that it encounters in its elegant flow. Water is what we are made of for the most part, and symbolizes love for me, as we need it to survive. Its indestructible as it … Read more